biological fathers


Tips on Adolescents and Sexuality

Sexuality is a major preoccupation of thoughts and feelings for most, if not all, teens. In some stepfamilies, the adolescent sexuality may raise much concern due to the lack of biological relationship with the stepparent and inappropriate behaviors by the adolescents.
Here are some tips to help your adolescent and your family cope with his/her unfolding sexuality…


Tips for Nurturing the Couple’s Relationship

I wonder if you remember when you met your significant other—your feelings, hopes, and wishes as your relationship evolved. You made arrangements for the children, setting aside adult time together. Then, you got married. The adult time turned into a fantasy and a remote memory.

A strong couple creates a strong and stable family. It is a win-win situation for all involved. Here are some tips to help restore the spark and improve the intimacy between the two of you…

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